Shadowless Operating Lamp HNZF700/700


Technical Data HNZF700/700 HNZF700/500
Luminance 160.000±/160.000 160.000±/120.000
Color Temperature 4300K 500K 4300K 500K
Spot diameter 160-280mm 160-280mm
Luminance depth ≥600mm ≥600mm
Light-adjusting mode Eight grade dimmer system Nine grade dimmer system
Color indication index ≥97% ≥97%
Temperature at surgeon’s head 2℃ 2℃
Input power 440W 440W
Power supply 220V 22V 50Hz 1Hz 220V 22V 50Hz 1Hz
Lowest height of installation 2900mm 2800mm
Bulb of power 150/150 150/150


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