This versatile childbirth simulator is used worldwide by healthcare educators. It not only provides an excellent simulation of the normal delivery experience for the student and educator, but also provides instruction in abnormal and multiple deliveries.
It may be used for demonstration of the following obstetric procedures:
- Normal vaginal delivery
- Complete, frank, and footling breech birth
- C-section delivery
- Ritgen’s maneuver
- Episiotomy
- Vertex presentation
- Intrauterine manipulation
- Vertex/vertex, vertex/breech, breech/vertex, or breech/breech presentation in multiple birth
- Prolapse of umbilical cord
- Demonstration of placenta previa: total, partial, and marginal
- Normal delivery of umbilical cord and placenta
- Palpation of fetal fontanelles
- Simulated suction of nose and mouth
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