FieldScout CM 1000 NDVI Meter

SKU: ST-CM-FSCM1000-NDVI Category: Tags: , , Brand:

Specifications : 

Measurement Sample: Plant leaves, turf grass canopy
Measurement System: Reflectance of 660 nm and 840 nm light
Measurement Area: Conical viewing area between 12 and 72 in
Minimum Distance: 12 in (30.5 cm) from lens
Maximum Distance: Accuracy is unknown beyond 72 in from lens
Distance From Lens:    Sample Area (Diameter):
12 in (30.5 cm)    0.53 in (1.35 cm)
18 in (45.7 cm)    1.21 in (3.07 cm)
48 in (1.22 m)    4.65 in (11.8 cm)
Receptor: (4) photodiodes: (2) for ambient light and (2) for reflected
light from the sample (leaf, turf)
Measurement Units: NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index on
a scale of -1 to 1
Measurement Interval: 2 seconds per measurement
Repeatability: ±5% of reading
Data Logger: Requires software and PC interface cable; Capacity:
1,350 measurements with GPS/DGPS; 3,250 measurements
without GPS/DGPS; nonvolatile memory
Battery/Life: 2 AAA batteries (included); approx. 3,000 measurements


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